# Inject the right home-manager config for the machine. { config, pkgs, lib, ... }: let # plasma-manager = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { # owner = "pjones"; # repo = "plasma-manager"; # rev = "4e56cfeb95081a43cb49487d0996dc936d6201e5"; # sha256 = "sha256-LJ/lFEupLSi7xtUps234hhMk7ZdVLRoYeU7KiCFaoGw="; # }; startupScript = pkgs.pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "hyprland-start" '' ${pkgs.waybar}/bin/waybar & ${pkgs.swww}/bin/swww init & sleep 1 ${pkgs.swww}/bin/swww img /home/mrflos/Nextcloud/Images/Wallpapers/chihiro014.jpg & ''; in { # TODO can we automate the installation of home-manager ? # sudo nix-channel --add https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager/archive/release-24.05.tar.gz home-manager imports = [ ]; # Let Home Manager install and manage itself. #programs.home-manager.enable = true; home-manager.useGlobalPkgs = true; users.users.mrflos = { isNormalUser = true; description = "mrflos"; createHome = true; extraGroups = [ "users" "docker" "libvirtd" "lxd" "networkmanager" "wheel" ]; uid = 1000; shell = pkgs.zsh; }; nix.settings.trusted-users = [ "mrflos" ]; home-manager.backupFileExtension = "backup"; home-manager.users.mrflos = { pkgs, ... }: { home.stateVersion = "23.05"; home.packages = with pkgs; [ gcc cmake ripgrep fd lua-language-server rust-analyzer-unwrapped php83Packages.composer nodejs_20 swww grimblast swaylock waybar yarn ]; # imports = [ # (plasma-manager + "/modules") # ./home-plasma.nix # ]; home.file = { "./.config/kitty/" = { source = ../dotfiles/kitty; recursive = true; }; "./.config/nvim/" = { source = ../dotfiles/nvim; recursive = true; }; "./.config/lazygit/" = { source = ../dotfiles/lazygit; recursive = true; }; "./.config/tmux/" = { source = ../dotfiles/tmux; recursive = true; }; }; home.sessionVariables = { EDITOR = "nvim"; }; home.sessionPath = [ "$HOME/.local/bin" "$HOME/go/bin" ]; accounts.email.accounts = { "mrflos@chmok.net" = { realName = "Florian Schmitt"; userName = "mrflos@chmok.net"; address = "mrflos@chmok.net"; primary = true; thunderbird = { enable = true; }; imap = { host = "mail.infomaniak.com"; port = 993; }; smtp = { host = "mail.infomaniak.com"; port = 465; }; }; "mrflos@yeswiki.pro" = { realName = "Florian Schmitt - Yeswiki.pro"; userName = "mrflos@yeswiki.pro"; address = "mrflos@yeswiki.pro"; thunderbird = { enable = true; }; imap = { host = "mail.infomaniak.com"; port = 993; }; smtp = { host = "mail.infomaniak.com"; port = 465; }; }; "mrflos@mrflos.pw" = { realName = "Florian Schmitt"; userName = "mrflos"; address = "mrflos@mrflos.pw"; primary = false; thunderbird = { enable = true; }; imap = { host = "mrflos.pw"; port = 993; #tls.enable = true; #tls.useStartTls = true; }; smtp = { host = "mrflos.pw"; port = 587; #tls.useStartTls = true; }; }; "contact@yeswiki.pro" = { realName = "YesWiki.pro"; userName = "contact@yeswiki.pro"; address = "contact@yeswiki.pro"; primary = false; thunderbird = { enable = true; }; imap = { host = "mail.infomaniak.com"; port = 993; }; smtp = { host = "mail.infomaniak.com"; port = 465; }; }; "contact@yeswiki.net" = { realName = "YesWiki.net"; userName = "contact@yeswiki.net"; address = "contact@yeswiki.net"; primary = false; thunderbird = { enable = true; }; imap = { host = "mail.infomaniak.com"; port = 993; }; smtp = { host = "mail.infomaniak.com"; port = 465; }; }; }; programs = { direnv = { enable = true; enableZshIntegration = true; nix-direnv.enable = true; }; git = { enable = true; userName = "Florian Schmitt"; userEmail = "mrflos@gmail.com"; aliases = { fa = "fetch --all --tags --prune --recurse-submodules --force"; }; extraConfig = { pull.rebase = true; init.defaultBranch = "main"; core.editor = "nvim"; core.fileMode = false; }; }; neovim = { defaultEditor = true; viAlias = true; vimAlias = true; }; starship = { enable = true; settings = with builtins; fromTOML (readFile ../dotfiles/starship/starship.toml); }; zsh = { enable = true; autosuggestion.enable = true; enableCompletion = true; shellAliases = { #tmux = "tmux -f ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf attach || tmux -f ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf new"; bunx = "bun --bun x"; g = "lazygit"; kdenix = "nix run github:pjones/plasma-manager --extra-experimental-features nix-command --extra-experimental-features flakes > /home/mrflos/Developpements/nixos-config/modules/home-plasma.nix"; icat = "kitty +kitten icat"; nixedit = "vi /etc/nixos"; nixupdate = "sudo nix-channel --update && sudo nixos-rebuild switch"; nixclean = "sudo nix-env --delete-generations old --profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/system && sudo /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/bin/switch-to-configuration switch && sudo nix-store --gc"; socks = "ssh -N -f -C -D 9090 mrflos@yunohost.yeswiki.net -p 6742"; vi = "/run/current-system/sw/bin/nvim"; vim = "/run/current-system/sw/bin/nvim"; yeswiki-updater = "cd /home/mrflos/Developpements/yeswiki-installer/ && sudo php yeswiki-updater.php"; }; initExtra = '' export BUN_INSTALL="$HOME/.bun" export PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV=1 export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$BUN_INSTALL/bin:$PATH" eval "$(atuin init zsh)" eval "$(zoxide init zsh)" ''; oh-my-zsh = { enable = true; extraConfig = '' zstyle :omz:plugins:ssh-agent helper ksshaskpass zstyle :omz:plugins:ssh-agent agent-forwarding yes zstyle :omz:plugins:ssh-agent lazy yes ''; plugins = [ "git" "ssh-agent" ]; # theme = "robbyrussell"; }; }; }; services.ssh-agent.enable = true; wayland.windowManager.hyprland.enable = true; wayland.windowManager.hyprland.settings = { exec-once = ''${startupScript}/bin/hyprland-start''; "$mod" = "SUPER"; # assign apps "$term" = "kitty"; "$editor" = "nvim"; "$file" = "dolphin"; "$browser" = "firefox"; bind = [ ", Print, exec, grimblast copy area" # Window/Session actions "$mod, Q, killactive" "ALT, F4, killactive" "$mod, delete, exit" # kill hyperland session "$mod, W, togglefloating" # toggle the window on focus to float "$mod, G, togglegroup" # toggle the window on focus to float "ALT, return, fullscreen" # toggle the window on focus to fullscreen "$mod, L, exec, swaylock" # lock screen # "$mod, backspace, exec, wlogout-launcher-hyprland 1" # logout menu "$CONTROL, ESCAPE, exec, systemctl-toggle --user waybar.service" # Application shortcuts "$mod, T, exec, $term" # open terminal "$mod, E, exec, $file" # open file manager "$mod, C, exec, $editor" # open vscode "$mod, F, exec, $browser" # open browser # Move focus with mainMod + arrow keys "$mod, left, movefocus, l" "$mod, right, movefocus, r" "$mod, up, movefocus, u" "$mod, down, movefocus, d" "ALT, Tab, movefocus, d" # Switch workspaces relative to the active workspace with mainMod + CTRL + [←→] "$mod CTRL, right, workspace, r+1" "$mod CTRL, left, workspace, r-1" # move to the first empty workspace instantly with mainMod + CTRL + [↓] "$mod CTRL, down, workspace, empty" # Move active window to a relative workspace with mainMod + CTRL + ALT + [←→] "$mod CTRL ALT, right, movetoworkspace, r+1" "$mod CTRL ALT, left, movetoworkspace, r-1" # Move active window around current workspace with mainMod + SHIFT + CTRL [←→↑↓] "$mod SHIFT $CONTROL, left, movewindow, l" "$mod SHIFT $CONTROL, right, movewindow, r" "$mod SHIFT $CONTROL, up, movewindow, u" "$mod SHIFT $CONTROL, down, movewindow, d" # Scroll through existing workspaces with mainMod + scroll "$mod, mouse_down, workspace, e+1" "$mod, mouse_up, workspace, e-1" # Special workspaces (scratchpad) "$mod ALT, S, movetoworkspacesilent, special" "$mod, S, togglespecialworkspace," # Toggle Layout "$mod, J, togglesplit," # dwindle ] ++ ( # workspaces # binds $mod + [shift +] {1..10} to [move to] workspace {1..10} builtins.concatLists ( builtins.genList ( x: let ws = let c = (x + 1) / 10; in builtins.toString (x + 1 - (c * 10)); in [ "$mod, ${ws}, workspace, ${toString (x + 1)}" "$mod SHIFT, ${ws}, movetoworkspace, ${toString (x + 1)}" "$mod ALT, ${ws}, movetoworkspacesilent, ${toString (x + 1)}" # Move window silently to workspace Super + Alt + [0-9] ] ) 10 ) ); # Move/Resize windows with mainMod + LMB/RMB and dragging bindm = [ "$mod, mouse:272, movewindow" "$mod, mouse:273, resizewindow" ]; # Resize windows binde = [ "$mod SHIFT, right, resizeactive, 30 0" "$mod SHIFT, left, resizeactive, -30 0" "$mod SHIFT, up, resizeactive, 0 -30" "$mod SHIFT, down, resizeactive, 0 30" ]; }; }; }