# cli programs should be available on servers and desktop { lib, pkgs, ... }: { programs = { mosh.enable = true; neovim = { enable = true; viAlias = true; vimAlias = true; }; ssh.startAgent = true; starship = { enable = true; settings = with builtins; fromTOML (readFile ../configs/starship.toml); }; zsh = { enable = true; autosuggestions.enable = true; shellAliases = { ls = "lsd --hyperlink=auto"; icat = "kitty +kitten icat"; nixedit = "vi /etc/nixos"; nixupdate = "sudo nix-channel --update && sudo nixos-rebuild switch"; nixclean = "sudo nix-env --delete-generations old --profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/system && sudo /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/bin/switch-to-configuration switch && sudo nix-store --gc"; }; shellInit = "cd ~/Developpements;"; ohMyZsh = { enable = true; plugins = [ "git" "ssh-agent" ]; theme = "robbyrussell"; }; }; }; # List packages installed in system profile. To search, run: # $ nix search wget environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ ansible bat bitwarden-cli coreutils curl dnsutils emacs-nox findutils fzf gnugrep gnumake gnupg imagemagick jq git glances htop lsd mc micro mosh neofetch pandoc pass pciutils pinentry starship tmux tree unzip usbutils wget whois wirelesstools zellij zola zsh-autosuggestions ]; }