96 lines
2.3 KiB
96 lines
2.3 KiB
## name: Rosé Pine
## author: mvllow
## license: MIT
## upstream: https://github.com/rose-pine/kitty/blob/main/dist/rose-pine.conf
## blurb: All natural pine, faux fur and a bit of soho vibes for the classy minimalist
foreground #e0def4
background #191724
selection_foreground #e0def4
selection_background #403d52
cursor #524f67
cursor_text_color #e0def4
url_color #c4a7e7
active_tab_foreground #e0def4
active_tab_background #26233a
inactive_tab_foreground #6e6a86
inactive_tab_background #191724
# black
color0 #26233a
color8 #6e6a86
# red
color1 #eb6f92
color9 #eb6f92
# green
color2 #31748f
color10 #31748f
# yellow
color3 #f6c177
color11 #f6c177
# blue
color4 #9ccfd8
color12 #9ccfd8
# magenta
color5 #c4a7e7
color13 #c4a7e7
# cyan
color6 #ebbcba
color14 #ebbcba
# white
color7 #e0def4
color15 #e0def4
#font_family Iosevka Nerd Font Mono Light
#bold_font Iosevka Nerd Font Mono Medium
#italic_font Iosevka Nerd Font Mono Light Italic
#bold_italic_font Iosevka Nerd Font Mono Medium Italic
font_family Iosevka NFM ExtraLight
bold_font Iosevka NFM Light
italic_font Iosevka NFM ExtraLight Italic
bold_italic_font Iosevka NFM Light Italic
map ctrl+shift+f toggle_fullscreen
map ctrl+c copy_or_interrupt
map ctrl+v paste_from_clipboard
map ctrl+left neighboring_window left
map shift+left move_window left
map ctrl+down neighboring_window down
map shift+down move_window down
map ctrl+right neighboring_window right
map shift+right move_window right
map ctrl+up neighboring_window up
map shift+up move_window up
map ctrl+shift+left resize_window narrower
map ctrl+shift+right resize_window wider
map ctrl+shift+up resize_window taller
map ctrl+shift+down resize_window shorter 3
map ctrl+shift+enter new_window_with_cwd
# reset all windows in the tab to default sizes
map ctrl+shift+0 resize_window reset
confirm_os_window_close 0
enable_audio_bell no
window_padding_width 8
font_size 14.0
background_opacity 1
paste_actions filter
#hide_window_decorations yes
#background_opacity 0.98
#background_image ~/Nextcloud/Images/Wallpapers/kitty-bg.png
#background_image_layout cscaled
#background_tint 0.99
#modify_font cell_height 130%
#startup_session ~/.config/kitty/session.conf