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# Do not modify this file! It was generated by ‘nixos-generate-config’
# and may be overwritten by future invocations. Please make changes
# to /etc/nixos/configuration.nix instead.
imports = [
(modulesPath + "/hardware/network/broadcom-43xx.nix")
(modulesPath + "/installer/scan/not-detected.nix")
boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [
boot.initrd.kernelModules = [ ];
boot.kernelModules = [ "kvm-intel" ];
boot.blacklistedKernelModules = [ ];
boot.extraModulePackages = with config.boot.kernelPackages; [
fileSystems."/" = {
device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/d56411cf-7072-48a8-aab7-70fb73695e64";
fsType = "ext4";
fileSystems."/boot/efi" = {
device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/37E1-D07F";
fsType = "vfat";
fileSystems."/mnt/nas/music" = {
device = "";
options = [
fsType = "nfs";
services.rpcbind.enable = true; # needed for NFS
systemd.mounts = [
type = "nfs";
mountConfig = {
Options = "defaults,acl,user,noauto,relatime,rw";
what = "";
where = "/mnt/nas/music";
systemd.automounts = [
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
automountConfig = {
TimeoutIdleSec = "600";
where = "/mnt/nas/music";
swapDevices = [ ];
# Enables DHCP on each ethernet and wireless interface. In case of scripted networking
# (the default) this is the recommended approach. When using systemd-networkd it's
# still possible to use this option, but it's recommended to use it in conjunction
# with explicit per-interface declarations with `networking.interfaces.<interface>.useDHCP`.
networking.useDHCP = lib.mkDefault true;
# networking.interfaces.wlp3s0.useDHCP = lib.mkDefault true;
#nixpkgs.config.allowBroken = true;
nixpkgs.hostPlatform = lib.mkDefault "x86_64-linux";
hardware.cpu.intel.updateMicrocode = lib.mkDefault config.hardware.enableRedistributableFirmware;
hardware.graphics.enable = true;
powerManagement = {
# Enable gradually increasing/decreasing CPU frequency, rather than using
# "powersave", which would keep CPU frequency at 0.8GHz.
cpuFreqGovernor = lib.mkDefault "conservative";
# brcmfmac being loaded during hibernation would not let a successful resume
# https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=101681#c116.
# Also brcmfmac could randomly crash on resume from sleep.
powerUpCommands = lib.mkBefore "${pkgs.kmod}/bin/modprobe brcmfmac";
powerDownCommands = lib.mkBefore ''
${pkgs.kmod}/bin/rmmod -f -v brcmfmac_wcc 2>/dev/null || true
${pkgs.kmod}/bin/rmmod brcmfmac
# USB subsystem wakes up MBP right after suspend unless we disable it.
services.udev.extraRules = lib.mkDefault ''
SUBSYSTEM=="pci", KERNEL=="0000:00:14.0", ATTR{power/wakeup}="disabled"
services.logind.extraConfig = ''