import { createApp as createClientApp, createSSRApp, defineComponent, h, onMounted, watchEffect } from 'vue'; import RawTheme from '@theme/index'; import { inBrowser, pathToFile } from './utils'; import { RouterSymbol, createRouter, scrollTo } from './router'; import { siteDataRef, useData } from './data'; import { useUpdateHead } from './composables/head'; import { usePrefetch } from './composables/preFetch'; import { dataSymbol, initData } from './data'; import { Content } from './components/Content'; import { ClientOnly } from './components/ClientOnly'; import { useCopyCode } from './composables/copyCode'; import { useCodeGroups } from './composables/codeGroups'; function resolveThemeExtends(theme) { if (theme.extends) { const base = resolveThemeExtends(theme.extends); return { ...base, ...theme, async enhanceApp(ctx) { if (base.enhanceApp) await base.enhanceApp(ctx); if (theme.enhanceApp) await theme.enhanceApp(ctx); } }; } return theme; } const Theme = resolveThemeExtends(RawTheme); const VitePressApp = defineComponent({ name: 'VitePressApp', setup() { const { site } = useData(); // change the language on the HTML element based on the current lang onMounted(() => { watchEffect(() => { document.documentElement.lang = site.value.lang; document.documentElement.dir = site.value.dir; }); }); if (import.meta.env.PROD) { // in prod mode, enable intersectionObserver based pre-fetch usePrefetch(); } // setup global copy code handler useCopyCode(); // setup global code groups handler useCodeGroups(); if (Theme.setup) Theme.setup(); return () => h(Theme.Layout); } }); export async function createApp() { const router = newRouter(); const app = newApp(); app.provide(RouterSymbol, router); const data = initData(router.route); app.provide(dataSymbol, data); // install global components app.component('Content', Content); app.component('ClientOnly', ClientOnly); // expose $frontmatter & $params Object.defineProperties(app.config.globalProperties, { $frontmatter: { get() { return data.frontmatter.value; } }, $params: { get() { return; } } }); if (Theme.enhanceApp) { await Theme.enhanceApp({ app, router, siteData: siteDataRef }); } // setup devtools in dev mode if (import.meta.env.DEV || __VUE_PROD_DEVTOOLS__) { import('./devtools.js').then(({ setupDevtools }) => setupDevtools(app, router, data)); } return { app, router, data }; } function newApp() { return import.meta.env.PROD ? createSSRApp(VitePressApp) : createClientApp(VitePressApp); } function newRouter() { let isInitialPageLoad = inBrowser; let initialPath; return createRouter((path) => { let pageFilePath = pathToFile(path); if (isInitialPageLoad) { initialPath = pageFilePath; } // use lean build if this is the initial page load or navigating back // to the initial loaded path (the static vnodes already adopted the // static content on that load so no need to re-fetch the page) if (isInitialPageLoad || initialPath === pageFilePath) { pageFilePath = pageFilePath.replace(/\.js$/, '.lean.js'); } if (inBrowser) { isInitialPageLoad = false; } return import(/*@vite-ignore*/ pageFilePath); }, Theme.NotFound); } if (inBrowser) { createApp().then(({ app, router, data }) => { // wait until page component is fetched before mounting router.go().then(() => { // dynamically update head tags useUpdateHead(router.route,; app.mount('#app'); // scroll to hash on new tab during dev if (import.meta.env.DEV && location.hash) { const target = document.querySelector(decodeURIComponent(location.hash)); if (target) { scrollTo(target, location.hash); } } }); }); }