2023-05-20 19:38:02 +03:00

102 lines
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import { Headers } from '@algolia/transporter';
import { HostOptions } from '@algolia/transporter';
import { QueryParameters } from '@algolia/transporter';
import { RequestOptions } from '@algolia/transporter';
import { Transporter } from '@algolia/transporter';
import { TransporterOptions } from '@algolia/transporter';
declare type AddedMethods<TBase, TMethods extends Methods<TBase>> = TBase & {
[TKey in keyof TMethods extends string ? keyof TMethods : never]: ReturnType<TMethods[TKey]>;
export declare function addMethods<TBase extends {}, TMethods extends Methods<TBase>>(base: TBase, methods?: TMethods): AddedMethods<TBase, TMethods>;
export declare type Auth = {
* Returns the headers related to auth. Should be
* merged to the transporter headers.
readonly headers: () => Readonly<Record<string, string>>;
* Returns the query parameters related to auth. Should be
* merged to the query parameters headers.
readonly queryParameters: () => Readonly<Record<string, string>>;
export declare const AuthMode: Readonly<Record<string, AuthModeType>>;
export declare type AuthModeType = 0 | 1;
export declare type ClientTransporterOptions = Pick<TransporterOptions, Exclude<keyof TransporterOptions, 'headers'> & Exclude<keyof TransporterOptions, 'queryParameters'> & Exclude<keyof TransporterOptions, 'hosts'>> & {
* The hosts used by the requester.
readonly hosts?: readonly HostOptions[];
* The headers used by the requester. The transporter
* layer may add some extra headers during the request
* for the user agent, and others.
readonly headers?: Headers;
* The query parameters used by the requester. The transporter
* layer may add some extra headers during the request
* for the user agent, and others.
readonly queryParameters?: QueryParameters;
export declare function createAuth(authMode: AuthModeType, appId: string, apiKey: string): Auth;
export declare type CreateClient<TClient, TOptions> = <TMethods extends {
readonly [key: string]: (base: TClient) => (...args: any) => any;
}>(options: TOptions & {
readonly methods?: TMethods;
}) => TClient & {
[key in keyof TMethods extends string ? keyof TMethods : never]: ReturnType<TMethods[key]>;
export declare function createRetryablePromise<TResponse>(callback: (retry: () => Promise<TResponse>) => Promise<TResponse>): Promise<TResponse>;
export declare function createWaitablePromise<TResponse>(promise: Readonly<Promise<TResponse>>, wait?: Wait<TResponse>): Readonly<WaitablePromise<TResponse>>;
export declare const destroy: (base: {
readonly transporter: Transporter;
}) => () => Readonly<Promise<void>>;
export declare function encode(format: string, ...args: readonly any[]): string;
declare type Methods<TBase> = {
readonly [key: string]: (base: TBase) => (...args: any[]) => any;
export declare function shuffle<TData>(array: TData[]): TData[];
export declare const version = "4.17.0";
export declare type Wait<TResponse> = (
* The original response.
response: TResponse,
* The custom request options.
requestOptions?: RequestOptions) => Readonly<Promise<any>>;
export declare type WaitablePromise<TResponse> = Readonly<Promise<TResponse>> & {
* Wait for a task to complete before executing the next line of code, to synchronize index updates.
* All write operations in Algolia are asynchronous by design. It means that when you add or
* update an object to your index, our servers will reply to your request with a taskID as
* soon as they understood the write operation. The actual insert and indexing will be
* done after replying to your code.
* You can wait for a task to complete by using this method.
readonly wait: (requestOptions?: RequestOptions) => Readonly<WaitablePromise<TResponse>>;
export { }