$row) { if ($row['host'] == 'www.' . $domain && $row['type'] == 'CNAME' && $row['target'] == $domain) { $foundCnameEntry = true; } if ($row['host'] == 'www.' . $domain && $row['type'] == 'A' && $row['ip'] == $_SERVER['ip4']) { $foundIp4 = true; } if (!$noip6) { if ($row['host'] == 'www.' . $domain && $row['type'] == 'AAAA' && $row['ipv6'] == $_SERVER['ip6']) { $foundIp6 = true; } } } if (!$foundCnameEntry) { if (!$foundIp4) { throw new Exception('the domain www.' . $domain . ' was not found in DNS record as a CNAME targeting ' . $domain . "\n" . ' or A entry to ' . $_SERVER['ip4']); } if (!$noip6 && !$foundIp6) { throw new Exception('the domain www.' . $domain . ' was not found in DNS record as a CNAME targeting ' . $domain . "\n" . ' or AAAA entry to ' . $_SERVER['ip6'] . '.'); } } } return true; } function checkIfInstalled($domain) { exec('find /home/* -maxdepth 1 -type d | grep ' . $domain, $output); if (!empty($output)) { throw new Exception('the domain ' . $domain . ' was already found on the server.'); } } function checkIfUserExist($user) { exec('cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd | grep ' . $user, $output); return !empty($output); } function generateUserFromDomain($domain, $recursive = null) { if ($recursive == 100) { throw new Exception('Too much users found, 100 that is too much for ' . $domain); } $user = str_split(str_replace([$_SERVER['maindomain'], '-', '.'], '', $domain), 30)[0] . $recursive; // try anthor username if user exists or if reserved name if (checkIfUserExist($user) || in_array($user, explode(',', $_SERVER['reservedsubdomains']))) { if ($recursive === null) { $recursive = 1; } $user = generateUserFromDomain($domain, $recursive + 1); } return $user; } function findUserFromExistingDomain($domain) { exec('find /home/* -maxdepth 1 -type d | grep ' . $domain, $output); if (empty($output)) { throw new Exception('the domain ' . $domain . ' was not found on the server.'); } else { return str_replace(['/home/', '/' . $domain], '', $output[0]); } } function generatePassword($length = 32, $add_dashes = false, $available_sets = 'luds') { $sets = array(); if (strpos($available_sets, 'l') !== false) { $sets[] = 'abcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz'; } if (strpos($available_sets, 'u') !== false) { $sets[] = 'ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTUVWXYZ'; } if (strpos($available_sets, 'd') !== false) { $sets[] = '23456789'; } if (strpos($available_sets, 's') !== false) { $sets[] = ';-().!?'; } $all = ''; $password = ''; foreach ($sets as $set) { $password .= $set[array_rand(str_split($set))]; $all .= $set; } $all = str_split($all); for ($i = 0; $i < $length - count($sets); $i++) { $password .= $all[array_rand($all)]; } $password = str_shuffle($password); if (!$add_dashes) { return $password; } $dash_len = floor(sqrt($length)); $dash_str = ''; while (strlen($password) > $dash_len) { $dash_str .= substr($password, 0, $dash_len) . '-'; $password = substr($password, $dash_len); } $dash_str .= $password; return $dash_str; } function createSQLUserAndDatabase($user, $type) { $pass = generatePassword(); exec('mysql -u ' . $_SERVER['mysqluser'] . ' -p\'' . $_SERVER['mysqlpassword'] . '\' -e \'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS ' . $user . ';\'', $output); exec('mysql -u ' . $_SERVER['mysqluser'] . ' -p\'' . $_SERVER['mysqlpassword'] . '\' -e "CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS \'' . $user . '\'@\'localhost\' IDENTIFIED BY \'' . $pass . '\';"', $output); exec('mysql -u ' . $_SERVER['mysqluser'] . ' -p\'' . $_SERVER['mysqlpassword'] . '\' -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ' . $user . '.* TO \'' . $user . '\'@\'localhost\';"', $output); exec('mysql -u ' . $_SERVER['mysqluser'] . ' -p\'' . $_SERVER['mysqlpassword'] . '\' -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;"', $output); $databaseModel = ($type === 'solo') ? $_SERVER['solomodel'] : $_SERVER['fermemodel']; exec('mysqldump -u ' . $_SERVER['mysqluser'] . ' -p\'' . $_SERVER['mysqlpassword'] . '\' -v ' . $databaseModel . ' | mysql -u ' . $user . ' -p\'' . $pass . '\' -D ' . $user, $output); // TODO: add first user and make him admin return ['database' => $user, 'user' => $user, 'password' => $pass]; } function removeMySQLUserAndDatabase($user) { exec('mysql -u ' . $_SERVER['mysqluser'] . ' -p\'' . $_SERVER['mysqlpassword'] . '\' -e \'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ' . $user . ';\'', $output); exec('mysql -u ' . $_SERVER['mysqluser'] . ' -p\'' . $_SERVER['mysqlpassword'] . '\' -e "DROP USER IF EXISTS \'' . $user . '\'@\'localhost\';"', $output); exec('mysql -u ' . $_SERVER['mysqluser'] . ' -p\'' . $_SERVER['mysqlpassword'] . '\' -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;"', $output); return; } function createUnixUserWithQuota($user, $quota) { $pass = generatePassword(); exec('useradd -m -p "' . $pass . '" ' . $user, $output); exec('setquota -u ' . $user . ' ' . $quota . ' ' . $quota . ' 0 0 -a /dev/loop0', $output); // TODO : handle errors return ['user' => $user, 'password' => $pass, 'quota' => $quota]; } function removeUnixUser($user) { exec('deluser --remove-home ' . $user, $output); // TODO : handle errors return; } function createNginxConfig($domain, $user, $herseUser, $hersePass, $nossl) { // create folder if not exists exec('sudo -u ' . $user . ' mkdir -p /home' . '/' . $user . '/' . $domain); $nginxFile = '/etc/nginx/conf.d/' . $domain . '.conf'; if (empty($herseUser) && empty($hersePass)) { // no herse needed } elseif (empty($herseUser) || empty($hersePass)) { throw new Exception('You need an username AND a password to add a herse.'); } else { // add password file to domain file_put_contents( '/home' . '/' . $user . '/' . $domain . '/.htpasswd', $herseUser . ':' . password_hash($hersePass, PASSWORD_BCRYPT) ); } $templates = new League\Plates\Engine(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates'); $subDomain = preg_match('/.' . $_SERVER['maindomain'] . '$/isU', $domain, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, 0); $isFullDomain = !preg_match('/^([a-zA-Z0-9]([-a-zA-Z0-9]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])\.)([a-zA-Z0-9]{1,2}([-a-zA-Z0-9]{0,252}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,63})$/isU', $domain, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, 0); if (!$nossl) { if (!$subDomain) { file_put_contents( $nginxFile, $templates->render( 'nginx-for-ssl-certificate', [ 'domain' => $domain, 'user' => $user, ] ) ); exec('service nginx force-reload', $output); if ($isFullDomain) { exec('/root/.acme.sh/acme.sh --issue -d ' . $domain . ' -d www.' . $domain . ' -k ec-384 -w /home/' . $user . '/' . $domain . '/', $output); } else { exec('/root/.acme.sh/acme.sh --issue -d ' . $domain . ' -k ec-384 -w /home/' . $user . '/' . $domain . '/', $output); } exec('mkdir -p /etc/letsencrypt/live/' . $domain, $output); exec('/root/.acme.sh/acme.sh --install-cert -d ' . $domain . ' --ecc \ --cert-file /etc/letsencrypt/live/' . $domain . '/cert.pem \ --key-file /etc/letsencrypt/live/' . $domain . '/key.pem \ --fullchain-file /etc/letsencrypt/live/' . $domain . '/fullchain.pem \ --ca-file /etc/letsencrypt/live/' . $domain . '/ca.pem \ --reloadcmd "systemctl restart nginx.service"', $output); } file_put_contents( $nginxFile, $templates->render( 'nginx-maindomain', [ 'domain' => $domain, 'user' => $user, 'herseUser' => $herseUser, 'hersePass' => $hersePass, 'subDomain' => $subDomain, ] ) ); } else { file_put_contents( $nginxFile, $templates->render( 'nginx-nossl', [ 'domain' => $domain, 'user' => $user, 'herseUser' => $herseUser, 'hersePass' => $hersePass, 'subDomain' => $subDomain, ] ) ); } exec('service nginx force-reload', $output); } function removeNginxConfig($domain) { $nginxFile = '/etc/nginx/conf.d/' . $domain . '.conf'; unlink($nginxFile); exec('service nginx force-reload', $output); } function createPhpFpmConfig($user) { $phpVersion = str_replace(['php', '-fpm'], '', $_SERVER['phpservice']); $phpConfFile = '/etc/php/' . $phpVersion . '/fpm/pool.d/' . $user . '.conf'; $templates = new League\Plates\Engine(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates'); file_put_contents($phpConfFile, $templates->render('php-fpm', ['user' => $user])); exec('service ' . $_SERVER['phpservice'] . ' reload', $output); } function removePhpFpmConfig($user) { $phpVersion = str_replace(['php', '-fpm'], '', $_SERVER['phpservice']); $phpConfFile = '/etc/php/' . $phpVersion . '/fpm/pool.d/' . $user . '.conf'; unlink($phpConfFile); exec('service ' . $_SERVER['phpservice'] . ' reload', $output); } function copyYesWikiFiles($domain, $user, $dbUser, $herseUser = null, $hersePass = null, $nossl = null) { $tmpFile = '/tmp/yeswiki.zip'; $destDir = '/home' . '/' . $user . '/' . $domain; $sudo = 'sudo -u ' . $user . ' '; exec($sudo . ' mkdir -p ' . $destDir, $output); exec($sudo . ' chown ' . $user . ':' . $user . ' -R ' . $destDir, $output); if (file_exists($tmpFile)) { unlink($tmpFile); } exec($sudo . 'curl --insecure -o ' . $tmpFile . ' ' . $_SERVER['source_archive_url']); exec($sudo . 'unzip ' . $tmpFile . ' "doryphore/*" -d ' . $destDir); exec($sudo . 'mv ' . $destDir . '/doryphore/* ' . $destDir . '/'); exec($sudo . 'rm -rf ' . $destDir . '/doryphore'); unlink($tmpFile); $herse = ''; if (!empty($herseUser) && !empty($hersePass)) { $herse = $herseUser . ':' . $hersePass . '@'; } $curl = 'curl -X POST --insecure --data-urlencode \'config[default_language]=fr\' --data-urlencode \'config[wakka_name]=' . $domain . '\' --data-urlencode \'config[root_page]=PagePrincipale\' --data-urlencode \'config[mysql_host]=localhost\' --data-urlencode \'config[mysql_database]=' . $dbUser['database'] . '\' --data-urlencode \'config[mysql_user]=' . $dbUser['user'] . '\' --data-urlencode \'config[mysql_password]=' . $dbUser['password'] . '\' --data-urlencode \'config[table_prefix]=yeswiki_\' --data-urlencode \'admin_name=' . $_SERVER['admin_id'] . '\' --data-urlencode \'admin_password=' . $_SERVER['admin_password'] . '\' --data-urlencode \'admin_password_conf=' . $_SERVER['admin_password'] . '\' --data-urlencode \'admin_email=' . $_SERVER['admin_email'] . '\' --data-urlencode \'config[rewrite_mode]=0\' --data-urlencode \'config[allow_raw_html]=1\' --data-urlencode \'config[allow_robots]=1\' --data-urlencode \'submit=Continue\' \'http' . ($nossl ? '' : 's') . '://' . $herse . $domain . '/?PagePrincipale&installAction=install\' 2>&1'; $output = []; exec($curl, $output); //echo implode("\n", $output); return; } function checkHerse($herseUser, $hersePass) { if (empty($herseUser) && empty($hersePass)) { return false; // no herse needed } elseif (empty($herseUser) || empty($hersePass)) { throw new Exception('You need an username AND a password to add a herse.'); } return true; // herse needed } function editConfigFile() { // change fuseau horaire // 'contact_mail_func' => 'smtp', // 'contact_smtp_host' => 'ssl://mail.gandi.net', // 'contact_smtp_port' => '465', // 'contact_smtp_user' => 'noreply@yeswiki.pro', // 'contact_reply_to' => 'noreply@yeswiki.pro', // 'contact_smtp_pass' => 'Ceci est 1 message automatique!', } function addExtensions() { // ferme pour l'option ferme } function addStatistics() { // requete SQL // INSERT INTO `matomo_site` (`idsite`, `name`, `main_url`, `ts_created`, `ecommerce`, `sitesearch`, `sitesearch_keyword_parameters`, `sitesearch_category_parameters`, `timezone`, `currency`, `exclude_unknown_urls`, `excluded_ips`, `excluded_parameters`, `excluded_user_agents`, `excluded_referrers`, `group`, `type`, `keep_url_fragment`, `creator_login`) VALUES (NULL, 'Partage ton outil', 'https://partagetonoutil.fr', '2023-02-01 00:00:00', '0', '1', '', '', 'Europe/Paris', 'EUR', '0', '', '', '', '', '', 'website', '0', 'superadmin'); } function searchWikis($path, $pattern) { $it = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path); $list = array(); $httpClient = HttpClientBuilder::buildDefault(); $nb = 0; foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator($it) as $file) { if (preg_match('/' . preg_quote($pattern) . '$/i', $file)) { $nb++; $wakkaConfig = []; include_once($file); $list[$nb] = [ 'PATH' => dirname($file), 'URL' => $wakkaConfig['base_url'] ?? 'KO', 'VERSION' => $wakkaConfig['yeswiki_version'] ?? 'KO', 'RELEASE' => $wakkaConfig['yeswiki_release'] ?? 'KO', ]; } } try { $responses = Future\awaitAll(array_map(function ($l) use ($httpClient) { return Amp\async(fn () => $httpClient->request(new Request($l['URL'], 'HEAD'))); }, $list)); var_dump($responses[0]); foreach ($responses[1] as $key => $response) { $list[$key]['STATUS'] = $response->getStatus() . ' ' . $response->getReason(); } } catch (Exception $e) { // If any one of the requests fails the combo will fail echo $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } return $list; }