2023-02-01 17:26:00 +03:00

265 lines
9.8 KiB

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
function checkDNS($domain)
if (!preg_match('/(?=^.{4,253}$)(^((?!-)[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,62}[a-zA-Z0-9]\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,63}$)/', strtolower($domain))) {
throw new Exception('not valid domain : "'.$domain.'".');
$currentip = dns_get_record($domain, DNS_A + DNS_AAAA);
if (empty($currentip)) {
throw new Exception('the domain '.$domain.' was not found in DNS record.');
if ($currentip[0]['ip'] !== $_SERVER['ip4']) {
throw new Exception('the current ip v4 address of '.$domain.' is '.$currentip[0]['ip'].'. it should be '.$_SERVER['ip4']);
if ($currentip[1]['ipv6'] !== $_SERVER['ip6']) {
throw new Exception('the current ip v6 address of '.$domain.' is '.$currentip[1]['ipv6'].'. it should be '.$_SERVER['ip6']);
return true;
function checkIfInstalled($domain)
exec('find /home/* -maxdepth 1 -type d | grep '.$domain, $output);
if (!empty($output)) {
throw new Exception('the domain '.$domain.' was already found on the server.');
function checkIfUserExist($user)
exec('cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd | grep '.$user, $output);
return !empty($output);
function generateUserFromDomain($domain, $recursive = null)
if ($recursive == 100) {
throw new Exception('Too much users found, 100 that is too much for '.$domain);
$user = str_split(str_replace([$_SERVER['maindomain'], '-', '.'], '', $domain), 30)[0].$recursive;
// try anthor username if user exists or if reserved name
if (checkIfUserExist($user) || in_array($user, explode(',', $_SERVER['reservedsubdomains']))) {
if ($recursive === null) {
$recursive = 1;
$user = generateUserFromDomain($domain, $recursive + 1);
return $user;
function findUserFromExistingDomain($domain)
exec('find /home/* -maxdepth 1 -type d | grep '.$domain, $output);
if (empty($output)) {
throw new Exception('the domain '.$domain.' was not found on the server.');
} else {
return str_replace(['/home/', '/'.$domain], '', $output[0]);
function generatePassword($length = 32, $add_dashes = false, $available_sets = 'luds')
$sets = array();
if (strpos($available_sets, 'l') !== false) {
$sets[] = 'abcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz';
if (strpos($available_sets, 'u') !== false) {
if (strpos($available_sets, 'd') !== false) {
$sets[] = '23456789';
if (strpos($available_sets, 's') !== false) {
$sets[] = ';()!@#$&*?';
$all = '';
$password = '';
foreach ($sets as $set) {
$password .= $set[array_rand(str_split($set))];
$all .= $set;
$all = str_split($all);
for ($i = 0; $i < $length - count($sets); $i++) {
$password .= $all[array_rand($all)];
$password = str_shuffle($password);
if (!$add_dashes) {
return $password;
$dash_len = floor(sqrt($length));
$dash_str = '';
while (strlen($password) > $dash_len) {
$dash_str .= substr($password, 0, $dash_len) . '-';
$password = substr($password, $dash_len);
$dash_str .= $password;
return $dash_str;
function createSQLUserAndDatabase($user, $type)
$pass = generatePassword();
exec('mysql -u '.$_SERVER['mysqluser'].' -p\''.$_SERVER['mysqlpassword'].'\' -e \'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS '.$user.';\'', $output);
exec('mysql -u '.$_SERVER['mysqluser'].' -p\''.$_SERVER['mysqlpassword'].'\' -e "CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS \''.$user.'\'@\'localhost\' IDENTIFIED BY \''.$pass.'\';"', $output);
exec('mysql -u '.$_SERVER['mysqluser'].' -p\''.$_SERVER['mysqlpassword'].'\' -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON '.$user.'.* TO \''.$user.'\'@\'localhost\';"', $output);
exec('mysql -u '.$_SERVER['mysqluser'].' -p\''.$_SERVER['mysqlpassword'].'\' -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;"', $output);
$databaseModel = ($type === 'solo') ? $_SERVER['solomodel'] : $_SERVER['fermemodel'];
exec('mysqldump -u '.$_SERVER['mysqluser'].' -p\''.$_SERVER['mysqlpassword'].'\' -v '.$databaseModel.' | mysql -u '.$user.' -p\''.$pass.'\' -D '.$user, $output);
// TODO: add first user and make him admin
return ['database' => $user, 'user' => $user, 'password' => $pass];
function removeMySQLUserAndDatabase($user)
exec('mysql -u '.$_SERVER['mysqluser'].' -p\''.$_SERVER['mysqlpassword'].'\' -e \'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS '.$user.';\'', $output);
exec('mysql -u '.$_SERVER['mysqluser'].' -p\''.$_SERVER['mysqlpassword'].'\' -e "DROP USER IF EXISTS \''.$user.'\'@\'localhost\';"', $output);
exec('mysql -u '.$_SERVER['mysqluser'].' -p\''.$_SERVER['mysqlpassword'].'\' -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;"', $output);
function createUnixUserWithQuota($user, $quota)
$pass = generatePassword();
exec('useradd -m -p "'.$pass.'" '.$user, $output);
exec('setquota -u '.$user.' '.$quota.' '.$quota.' 0 0 -a /dev/loop0', $output);
// TODO : handle errors
return ['user' => $user, 'password' => $pass, 'quota' => $quota];
function removeUnixUser($user)
exec('deluser --remove-home '.$user, $output);
// TODO : handle errors
function createNginxConfig($domain, $user, $herseUser, $hersePass)
$nginxFile = '/etc/nginx/conf.d/'.$domain.'.conf';
if (empty($herseUser) && empty($hersePass)) {
// no herse needed
} elseif (empty($herseUser) || empty($hersePass)) {
throw new Exception('You need an username AND a password to add a herse.');
} else {
// add password file to domain
$herseUser.':'.password_hash($hersePass, PASSWORD_BCRYPT)
$templates = new League\Plates\Engine(dirname(__FILE__).'/templates');
$subDomain = preg_match('/.'.$_SERVER['maindomain'].'$/isU', $domain, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, 0);
if (!$subDomain) {
'domain' => $domain,
exec('service nginx force-reload', $output);
exec('/root/ --issue -d '.$domain.' -d www.'.$domain.' -k ec-384 -w /home/'.$user.'/'.$domain.'/', $output);
exec('mkdir -p /etc/letsencrypt/live/'.$domain, $output);
exec('/root/ --install-cert -d '.$domain.' --ecc \
--cert-file /etc/letsencrypt/live/'.$domain.'/cert.pem \
--key-file /etc/letsencrypt/live/'.$domain.'/key.pem \
--fullchain-file /etc/letsencrypt/live/'.$domain.'/fullchain.pem \
--ca-file /etc/letsencrypt/live/'.$domain.'/ca.pem \
--reloadcmd "systemctl restart nginx.service"', $output);
'domain' => $domain,
'user' => $user,
'herseUser' => $herseUser,
'hersePass' => $hersePass,
'subDomain' => $subDomain,
exec('service nginx force-reload', $output);
function removeNginxConfig($domain)
$nginxFile = '/etc/nginx/conf.d/'.$domain.'.conf';
exec('service nginx force-reload', $output);
function createPhpFpmConfig($user)
$phpVersion = str_replace(['php', '-fpm'], '', $_SERVER['phpservice']);
$phpConfFile = '/etc/php/'.$phpVersion.'/fpm/pool.d/'.$user.'.conf';
$templates = new League\Plates\Engine(dirname(__FILE__).'/templates');
file_put_contents($phpConfFile, $templates->render('php-fpm', ['user' => $user]));
exec('service '.$_SERVER['phpservice'].' reload', $output);
function removePhpFpmConfig($user)
$phpVersion = str_replace(['php', '-fpm'], '', $_SERVER['phpservice']);
$phpConfFile = '/etc/php/'.$phpVersion.'/fpm/pool.d/'.$user.'.conf';
exec('service '.$_SERVER['phpservice'].' reload', $output);
function copyYesWikiFiles($domain, $user, $dbUser)
$tmpFile = '/tmp/';
$destDir = '/home'.'/'.$user.'/'.$domain;
$sudo = 'sudo -u '.$user.' ';
exec($sudo.' mkdir -p '.$destDir, $output);
if (file_exists($tmpFile)) {
exec($sudo.'curl -o '.$tmpFile.' '.$_SERVER['source_archive_url']);
exec($sudo.'unzip '.$tmpFile.' "doryphore/*" -d '.$destDir);
exec($sudo.'mv '.$destDir.'/doryphore/* '.$destDir.'/');
exec($sudo.'rm -rf '.$destDir.'/doryphore');
$curl = 'curl \
--data-urlencode "config[default_language]=fr" \
--data-urlencode "config[wakka_name]='.$domain.'" \
--data-urlencode "config[root_page]=PagePrincipale" \
--data-urlencode "config[mysql_host]=localhost" \
--data-urlencode "config[mysql_database]='.$dbUser['database'].'" \
--data-urlencode "config[mysql_user]='.$dbUser['user'].' \
--data-urlencode "config[mysql_password]='.$dbUser['password'].'" \
--data-urlencode "config[table_prefix]=yeswiki_" \
--data-urlencode "admin_name='.$_SERVER['admin_id'].'" \
--data-urlencode "admin_password='.$_SERVER['admin_password'].'" \
--data-urlencode "admin_password_conf='.$_SERVER['admin_password'].'" \
--data-urlencode "admin_email='.$_SERVER['admin_email'].'" \
--data-urlencode "config[rewrite_mode]=1" \
--data-urlencode "submit=Continue" \
echo $curl;
function checkHerse($herseUser, $hersePass)
if (empty($herseUser) && empty($hersePass)) {
return false; // no herse needed
} elseif (empty($herseUser) || empty($hersePass)) {
throw new Exception('You need an username AND a password to add a herse.');
return true; // herse needed